Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Silver Spring Drop-In Center presents a workshop by consumer advocate Randy Bosin on mental health consumers becoming empowered to facilitate change and recovery

Saturday, October 20, 2007, from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Light refreshments will be served!

WHERE: Silver Spring Drop-In Center, at Affiliated Santé Group, 7961 Eastern Ave., 1st floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910

“Recovery” is now the goal of government mental health policy (at all levels of government) and the goal of many mental health consumers. What is recovery and how does one move towards it?

Consumer-advocate Randy Bosin has developed a theory that helps answer this and has developed a course - “The Road to Recovery” – based on it. According to Randy’s theory, "recovery is the journey of becoming progressively empowered, as individuals and together, in collaboration and community with others." The central premise of the course and this workshop is that most consumers have the innate mental capacity to become empowered and thus bring about desired change, on the road to recovery.

Come sample “The Road to Recovery” course in a one-day workshop on consumer empowerment. This will be a hands-on, practical workshop, focusing on how to tap into this innate mental capacity to learn, problem-solve, collaborate, advocate, empower oneself and others and create change in one’s life. Bring your questions, ideas and pen and paper to do exercises, take notes - be prepared to actively participate in a dynamic, interactive learning experience!

Please RSVP by Thursday, October 18 or sooner!

Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108 or email myarmolinsky AT santegroup DOT o r g

Our current open hours are normally M, Tu and Thur, 4 – 7 pm, and Sat 1 – 5 pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great source of info! Pretty neat. Well done.