Tuesday Feb 3: Open 3 - 7 p Resources & Referrals, 4-5:30p Director leaves at 6 p for HUI Brd mtg.
Wednesday Feb 4: Open 3-7 p Game Day Director leaves for DBSA outreach at 6:15p
Thursday Feb 5 : Open 3 - 7 p Poetry w/ JoAnne, 4:30 - 6:30p
Friday Feb 6: OFFSITE: NAMI Maryland trains NAMI Connection facilitators, Friday through Sunday, in Columbia, MD
Saturday Feb 7: Open 12-5 p Valentine's Day Arts and Crafts, 1 to 3 p with Edee, and Pet Therapy (2 cats, Sweetie Pie and Sugar Bear)
Monday Feb 9: Open 3-7 p Haircuts by Karreem 3:30 t0 6:30 pm with Karreem. $2 donation requested
Tuesday Feb 10: Open 3 -7 p OFFSITE: Intro to WRAP, Day 1 of 3 Wild Divine biofeedback software
Wednesday Feb 11: Open 3 - 7 p OFFSITE: Intro to WRAP, Day 2 of 3 NEW: OCD Support Group with Sherry, 5 - 6:30p
Thursday Feb 12: Open 3 - 7 p OFFSITE: Intro to WRAP, Day 3 of 3 Monthly w & r center phone call 11a-12p Wii Fit & Wild Divine software available

Monday Feb 16: President's Day Open 3 - 8 p President's Day Activities with Miriam, 3 - 5 p WRAP crafts with Daphne, 6 - 8p.
Tuesday Feb 17: Open 3-7 p Steering Committee 3 - 4:30 p Arts & Crafts: We will do artwork for the Mental Health First Aid/ooo MD art contest after 5p

Thursday Feb 19: Open 3 - 7 p Offsite: Wellness & Recovery Subcommitte atOOOMC 10a-1p Poetry w/ Joanne, 4:30-6:30p Offsit Black History w/OOO MC
Saturday Feb 21: Open 12-5 p Movie Day: Mamma Mia, 2p
Monday Feb 23: OFFSITE: WRAP Facilitator Training, Day 1 of 5 Open 3-8p Celebrate February Birthdays, 4p WRAP CRAFTS w/ Daphne, 6-8p
OFFSITE: Meeting Announcement - CMHS National Advisory Council Subcommittee on Consumer/Survivor Issues
today: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; lunch is on your own
The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) National Advisory Council Subcommittee on Consumer/Survivor Issues will meet on February 23-24, 2009 for a 2-day meeting to discuss mental health topics and to develop recommendations for the CMHS National Advisory Council. CMHS is part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The meeting’s focus will include a listening session on healthcare reform from mental health consumer/survivor perspectives. Opportunities for public comment will also be made available.
The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Great Falls Conference Room at SAMHSA located at 1 Choke Cherry Road in Rockville, Maryland. (off of Shady Grove Rd.) Do bring photo ID.
If you are interested in attending or would like additional information, please contact Carlton Speight via email (Carlton.Speight@samhsa.hhs.gov) or telephone (240-276-1949).
Tuesday Feb 24: OFFSITE: WRAP Facilitator Training, Day 2 of 5 Open 3-7 p Membership meeting & pizza, 4:30p, a dollar or two contribution welcome for pizza!
OFFSITE: Day 2 of CMHS National Advisory Council Subcommittee on Consumer/Survivor Issues today: 8:30 am - 3 pm; lunch is on your own
Wednesday Feb 25: OFFSITE: WRAP Facilitator Training, Day 3 of 5 Open 3-7 p NEW: OCD Support Group with Sherry, 5 - 6:30p
Thursday Feb 26: OFFSITE: WRAP Facilitator Training, Day 4 of 5 Open 3-7 p Resources & Referrals, 4 to 5:30p
Friday Feb 27: OFFSITE: WRAP Facilitator Training, Day 5 of 5
Saturday Feb 28: Open 12-5 p NAMI Connection support group, 3-4:30p (For more info on NAMI Connection and other support groups in the county, visit http://www.namimc.org/support.asp and click on Consumers (or All, Families, Spouses, or En Espanol , as well)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is coming here in March! Monday-Thursday, March 9-12, from 5 to 8 pm. This is a 12 hour class on Mental Health First Aid, brought to you by Mental Health Association of Montgomery County. Please register with Miriam by March 3, by calling (301) 589-2303 X108. Seats are limited! Sign up now! Refreshments (mostly drinks) will be served. If you would like to bring a dinner, we do have a working fridge. Our location is 7961 Eastern Avenue, 1st floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910. For parking info, please call as well. 1/2 mile from Silver Spring Metro. For more info on MHFA, visit www.mhamc.org NOTE: This class is open to consumers, family, loved ones, and providers (of consumers of mental health services), as well as people in multiple roles.
Stay tuned also for Discovering Your Recovery Muse, a 2 hr. workshop by On Our Own of MD's Recovery Training Project, scheduled for Monday March 2, from 4 - 6 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Miriam (301. 589.2303 X 108) by Saturday Feb. 28! FREE. Interactive! Fun! For more info, visit http://www.onourownmd.org/rtp.html
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