Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Saturday August 1: Open 3-7 p Silver Spring Drop In Center Picnic to Meadowbrook Park (near Rock Creek Park), Leave by 1 p, CENTER IS CLOSED WHILE WE'RE OUT RSVP 301.589.2303 X 108; drivers needed!

Sunday August 2: Takoma Artists' Guild, 2-4 p New artists welcome! call Miriam if interested
Monday August 3: CLOSED

Tuesday August 4: CLOSED 10 a SOAR planning meeting 751 Twinbrk; eve: HUI Brd. Mtg.

Wednesday August 5: Open 3-5:30 p Offsite: Romulus My Father: Science in the Cinema 7-9:30, AFI trip, FREE Pick up up to 4 tickets at AFI (American Film Institute) starting at 1 pm. Get to AFI by 6:30 or so to get good seats. Fills up fast. Field trip there (Miriam can fit up to 4 people in her car; otherwise, meet us there)

Thursday August 6: Open 3 - 7 p CLOSED

Friday August 7: Offsite: Hagerstown Outlet Mall trip by On Our Own of MC call 240 683-5555 or visit http://www.ooo-mc.org/

Saturday August 8: CLOSED, NAMI Connection cancelled, held in 2 weeks

Monday August 10: Open 3-7 p Eval 1:30 NAMI National Staff, SARAH O'BRIEN, visits at 3p, seeking people to give brief (10 minute) interviews on living with the following diagnoses: Borderline Personality Disorder; OCD; Schizophrenia; and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

EAR ACUPUNCTURE IS CANCELLED FOR TODAY - Dee Brown, L.Ac., MA.c, is having her arm/elbow staples removed that day, for her broken left arm. We will resume Monday Aug. 17, 4 pm. Thanks for your well wishes to Dee!

Tuesday August 11: Open 3-7 p New: KNITTING WORKSHOP w/MICHELLE PONDER,5-6:30p

Wednesday August 12: Open 3-7 p AUG BIRTHDAYS, 4 p. Offsite: Accidental Advocate, AFI, 7 - 9:30 p

Thursday August 13: Open 3-7 p Monthly w & r center phone call 11a-12p POETRY with JOANNE GROWNEY, 4:30-6:30 p Visit http://www.joannegrowney.com

Friday August 14: MONTG CTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR begins, thrue 8/22 Gaithersburg $8/day/adult.

Saturday August 15: Open 12-5 p WALKING GROUP Deadline for Housing & Financial Fitness Fair booth application

Monday August 17: Open 3-7 p EAR ACUPUNCTURE IS BACK!, 4-5:30 w/ DEE BROWN, L.Ac., M.Ac. Please arrive by 4 - 4:15 pm in order to take advantage of the full treatment, which is 40 - 45 minutes. If this is your first time, please sign two (2) waivers. Membership to the center is encouraged (it is FREE and there are no attendance requirements! Ask us for a membership app if we don't automatically offer one!)

Tuesday August 18: Open 3-7 p PIZZA & MBRSHIP MTG, 4:30 p Donations of $1-2 appreciated 4 pizza

Wednesday August 19: Open 3-7 p NEW: SOCIAL SKILLS WORKSHOP, 4:30-5:30 p

Thursday August 20: Open 3-7 p POETRY with JOANNE GROWNEY, 4:30-6:30 p

Friday August 21: WRAP presentation at TSI, 10 a. WRAP facil. training at OOOMC 11a to 2:30 p

Saturday August 22: Open 12-5 p NAMI CONNECTION SUPPORT GROUP, 3- 4:30 p

Monday August 24: EAR ACUPUNCTURE, 4-5:30 w/ DEE BROWN, L.Ac., M.Ac. Please arrive by 4 - 4:15 pm in order to take advantage of the full treatment, which is 40 - 45 minutes. If this is your first time, please sign two waivers. Membership to the center is encouraged (it is FREE and there are no attendance requirements! Ask us for a membership app if we don't automatically offer one!)

Tuesday August 25: Open 3-7 p WRAP PRESENTATION 4-5:30 p, for class beginning September

Wednesday August 26: Open 3-7 p OCD SUPPORT GROUP, 5-6:30 p w/SHERRY

Thursday August 27: Open 3-7 p CREATE YOUR OWN SMOOTHIE, 3:30p; RESOURCES & REFERRALS, 4-6 p


Monday August 31: Offsite: Cultural & Linguistic Competency, Director out Open 3-7 p EAR ACUPUNCTURE, 4-5:30 w/ DEE BROWN, L.Ac., M.Ac. Please arrive by 4 -4:15 pm in order to take advantage of the full treatment, which is 40 - 45 minutes. If this is your first time, please sign two waivers. Membership to the center is encouraged (it is FREE and there are no attendance requirements! Ask us for a membership app if we don't automatically offer one!)

  1. THUR SEP 10, 4 p: SMOKING CESSATION presentation by Holy Cross Hospital's Ryan Coffman, from their Cancer Center (visit /www.holycrosshealth.org/svc_NDC.htm ); possibly also by MD's Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene's Quitline Coordinator Sara Wolfe

  2. MON SEP 14, 4 – 6p INTERNALIZED STIGMA workshop by ON OUR OWN of MD.
RSVP for both, 3/589.2303 X 108, to Miriam

NOTE: AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE will be on a hiatus most of September, but will return in October

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