Thursday, November 4, 2010


SIGN-UP FOR WELLNESS RECOVERY ACTION PLANNING (WRAP) predicted to start SATURDAY JANUARY 21, from 1 t0 5p for four weeks for four hours each week (16 hr. class). This is a FREE class that requires a committment to your own wellness and ability to attend the majority, if not all, of the classes. Please send your full name, phone number/s and email (if you have one) to MIRIAM, at 301.589.2303 X 108 and we will go from there.

NON-TRADITIONAL homemade LASAGNA HOLIDAY MEAL OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TWELVE MEMBERS (or new members) who RSVP, SATURDAY DECEMBER 25, 2 (that's TWO) to 6p. RSVP to MIRIAM at 301.589.2303 X 108 and email myarmolinsky AT santegroup DOT org with SUBJECT LINE: HOLIDAY MEAL; include your full name and contact numbers. Miriamet back to you about your place on the list towards Friday... The lasagna contains meat; vegetarians must inform us in advance so we can arrange substitutions! RSVP Deadline: Wednesday December 22. Please call on Friday evening AND Saturday morning (listen to the voice mail) for any updates, as there may be snow and if it gets messy, we may have to reschedule. Keep your fingers crossed!

********** FREE ARTS INTENSIVE for Transitional Age Youth (16 to 24) with concurrent mental health issues - at Pyramid Atlantic, 8230 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, from Monday December 27 through Thursday December 30, 2010, from 11:30a - 2p.

Artist Marcie Wolf-Hubbard will be facilitating drawing, painting, and collage. Registrations required by Friday December 17.
INFO: Marcie Wolf Hubbard, 301.412.5974 and/or marcieplusart AT gmail DOT com, SUBJECT LINE: ARTS INTENSIVE.
RSVP to Celia Serkin, Montgomery County Federation for Families and Children's Mental Health, 301.879.5200 X 27, cserkin AT mcfof DOT org and/or Miriam Yarmolinsky, 301.589.2303 X 108 myarmolinsky AT santegroup DOT org. If emailing, place ARTS INTENSIVE in the subject line . We will email you the registration application.

This artist residency series is thanks to a grant from Montgomery County's Community Artists' Residency Grant, in collaboration with MCFFC, SSWRC at Affiliated Sante Group, and the Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center. ******************

WED DEC 1: Open 3 - 7p BINGO, 4 - 5p Win Prizes! or, if you have things to donate, bring them and we may use them as prizes for others

THUR DEC 2: CLOSED DUE TO WRAP Facilitator Follow-Up Training at On Our Own of Howard County, Dobbin Rd., Columbia Offsite: MHAC (Mental Health Advisory Committee of Montgomery County) Committee, 7 - 9p, at 401 Hungerford Dr., 1st floor, TAN Room, Rockville, MD. Mental health consumers, family members, and providers welcome to attend as members of the public.

SAT DEC 4: Open 1 - 6p NAMI CONNECTION support group 3 - 4:30 p special times this month instead of the 2nd n' 4th Sat of the month

MON DEC 6: Open 3 - 7p MINDFUL MONDAYS; EAR ACUPUNCTURE with DEE BROWN, L.A.c., M.A.c., of Kensington Acupuncture Associates, from 4 - 5:30p. Treatment can include up to 10 needles (5 per ear), for a 40 minute session Offsite: ROCK CREEK FOUNDATION ( ) is having a FUNDRAISER at Silver Spring's Austin Grill 919 Ellsworth Drive, from 5 to 9p. Twenty percent (20%) of the proceeds will go towards RCF that evening. Check out Austin Grill at Their number is 240.247.8969.

TUE DEC 7: Open 3 - 7p ACTIVITIES: MEMBERS' CHOICE Offsite: Housing Unlimited Board Meeting at 7p

WED DEC 8: Open 3 - 7p BINGO, 4 - 5p Win Prizes! or, if you have things to donate, bring them and we may use them as prizes for others

THUR DEC 9: Open 3 - 7p PUPPY TIME with long-haired chihuahuas, thanks to ROSA - she is bringing 2 or 3 of her 5 dogs today from 5 - 7p. Deadline for further comments on SOCIAL SECURITY (Disability - can affect people w/ mental illness) rulings, visit

SAT DEC 11: MEET HERE AT 11 am. FIELD TRIP TO ON OUR OWN OF PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY at Riverdale Presbyterian Church, 6513 Queens Chapel Road, 3rd Floor, University Park, MD 20782. RSVP to MIRIAM 301.589.2303 X 108. Drivers wanted! For info on OOO PG, visit Their number is 301.699.8939. Visit for more info on this event too! CENTER WILL BE CLOSED DURING FIELD TRIP

MON DEC 13: Open 3 - 7p Offsite: W & R workgroup, 12:30 - 2:30, at the Core Service Agency WEBINAR: Step One in the Recovery to Practice Series: Outreach and Engagement (FREE) with LAURA VAN TOSH (and many others), 3 - 4:30p (google it, SAMHSA .. the paste function on this site is currently disabled) We will watch it in the front room's computer w/ speakers. EAR ACUPUNCTURE with DEE BROWN, L.A.c., M.A.c., of Kensington Acupuncture Associates, from 4 - 5:30p. Treatment can include up to 10 needles (5 per ear), for a 40 minute session or seeds

TUES DEC 14: CLOSED due to Community Integration Training at On Our Own of Maryland ( )

WED DEC 15: Open 3 - 7p TIME MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP, 3:30 to 5:00p. Plan to arrive at least 10 - 15 mns early to get situated. RSVP to MIRIAM 301.589.2303 X 108. First 15 will receive a 2011 Calendar and other goodies. This workshop is led by ALISA LEVY of Embrace Your Space ( ) and is part of the NAPO (Nat'l Association of Professional Organizers) Quantum Leap Project.

THUR DEC 16: Open 3 - 7p POETRY with FABULOUS JOANNE GROWNEY, 4:30 - 6:30p Visit and her latest blog and project! SNOW, TO BE RESCHEDULED!


SAT DEC 18: Open 1 - 6p NAMI CONNECTION support group 3 - 4:30 p special times this month instead of the 2nd n' 4th Sat of the month

MON DEC 20: Open 3 - 7p MINDFUL MONDAYS; EAR ACUPUNCTURE with DEE BROWN, L.A.c., M.A.c., of Kensington Acupuncture Associates, from 4 - 5:30p. Treatment can include up to 10 needles (5 per ear), for a 40 minute session or seeds

TUES DEC 21: Open 3 - 7p PIZZA & MEMBERSHIP MEETING, 4:30p $1 – 2 requested 4 pizza

WED DEC 22: Open 3 - 7p BINGO at 4p, win prizes, or donate your gently used items! RSVP Deadline for Christmas Day Holiday Meal


SAT DEC 25: Open 2 - 6p CHRISTMAS/WINTER HOLIDAY MEAL - YOU MUST RSVP to MIRIAM 301.589.2303 X 108 with full name, number and email by Wednesday December 22. Please be a member or be willing to become one (membership is FREE and you can fill out an application beforehand - email myarmolinsky AT santegroup DOT org) NONTRADITIONAL MEAL OF LASAGNA home made by BOB DEVINE, our fabulous chef and all around great person! First 12 are guaranteed a meal; the rest (waitlist) can still attend and enjoy snacks and company.

MON DEC 27: Open 3 - 7p (Offsite: Transitional Aged Youth's ARTS INTENSIVE, Day 1 of 4, 11:30a- 2p at Pyramid Atlantic, with Marcie Wolf-Hubbard. FREE but registrations required, deadline F 12/27) NO ACUPUNCTURE today but rather, BRING YOUR WORK TO THE CENTER - bring any papers and bills you don't have the energy to work with at home.

TUES DEC 28: Open 3 - 7p (Offsite: Arts Intensive, Day 2 of 4) NOVEMBER & DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS, 4p

WED DEC 29: Open 3 - 7p (Offsite: Arts Intensive, Day 3 of 4) PREPARE FOR A POST-HOLIDAY PARTY in JANUARY

THUR DEC 30: Open 3 - 6p (Offsite: Arts Intensive, Day 4 of 4) FIELD TRIP TO MORMON TEMPLE to see OUTDOOR FESTIVAl OF LIGHTS SHOW, 9900 Stoneybrook Drive, Kensington. RSVP to MIRIAM by Wed eve, 301.589.2303 X 108. We have 3 drivers and can accomodate 9 addtl people, 3 per car. Drivers wanted! LEAVE HERE by 6:15p, drive to Temple. Dress warmly or according to weather, as it is outdoors. FREE! We plan to stay there about an hour and then can drive people to Forest Glen or Silver Spring Metro, or to the center if needed. CENTER CLOSES AT 6p due to the field trip!

SAVE the DATE: THURSDAY JANUARY 6, at 4:00p: PAMPER PARTY for LADIES AND GENTLEMEN with the lovely and talented THALIA CAMPBELL, KARREEM ALI's sister and Mary Kay consultant. FREE. Please RSVP to MIRIAM 301.589.2303 X 108. This is an hour long session, so please make note of time.
ACUPUNCTURE DATES FOR JANUARY: Mondays 3, 10, 24 and 31!

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