Tuesday July 1: Open 3 - 7 p Movie: There Will Be Blood (nominated for Best Picture 2007)
Wednesday July 2: Open 3 - 7p CLEAN the deck crew, 4p We will clean the deck of cigs and other trash, and reward ourselves after w/ snacks!
Thursday July 3: Open 3 - 7 p Resources & Referrals, 4 - 5:30 pm If you need referrals to MANNA, help with Food Stamps, benefits (SSI, SSDI, Medical Assistance, housing) this is the time to come visit!
Saturday July 5: Open 11:30 a - 5 p Trip to the ZOO! We leave around 12:15 pm, and the Center is CLOSED until we return (close to 5:30 or 6 pm)
Monday July 7: Open 3 - 7 p Game Day; NAMI Peer-to-Peer, class 9 of 10, 6:30 - 8:45 p
Tuesday July 8: Open 3 - 7 p Walk to Moorenko's icecream (visit www.moorenkosicecream.com/ ); donations of $1 requested
Wednesday July 9: Open 3 - 7 p Garden Club - NEW! 4p We'll take care of our existing plants, and work together to get more plants and see if we can grow any plants in the shaded courtyard. OFFSITE: AFI's Science in the Cinema, at AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., 7 pm, FREE film, "Away from Her" (visit www.afi.com/silver/new/nowplaying/2008/v5i4/NIH.aspx#awayf ) - Medical theme: Alzheimer's Disease
Thursday July 10: Open 3 - 7 p Biofeedback - on individual basis, using Wild Divine software, 2 - 4:30 p (up to 4 people, one person at a time) www.wilddivine.com/
Saturday July 12: Open 12 - 5 p NAMI Connection (peer-led support group), 3 - 4:30 p For more info, visit www.namimc.org/support.asp and scroll down to Consumers (there's also Family and other groups!)
Monday July 14: BASTILLE DAY Open 3 - 7 p Create Your Own Smoothie! 4:30 p. You will be washing and chopping fruit to blend in our blender, and of course you'll be sampling some yummy banana/strawberry/apple and whatever's on sale and yummy smoothies! On Our Own of St. Mary's County members and director Carolyn Cullison scheduled to visit us! NAMI Peer-to-Peer, class 10 of 10, 6:30 - 8:45p
Tuesday July 15: Open 2:30 - 7 p DORS (MD Department of Rehabilitation Services) workshop by DORS Wheaton's Patricia Chichester, MS, and Rani Lepcha, MA, CRC, to discuss employment and rehab options for eligible individuals with disabilities. FREE! 3 - 4:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Q & A session for consumers, friends, family, and providers! Please RSVP by Monday July 14 to Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108. Even if you don't RSVP, you are still welcome to attend, but we prefer getting an approximate headcount!
Wednesday July 16: Open 3 - 7 p Clutter group: bring your papers & sort them in a friendly atmosphere, 4 – 6p. This will be a group without a professional organizer, most likely! OFFSITE: AFI's Science in the Cinema, AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., 7 pm, FREE film with guest speaker afterwards, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" - in French with English subtitles, by director and artist Julian Schnabel (visit www.afi.com/silver/new/nowplaying/2008/v5i4/NIH.aspx ) Medical theme: Locked In Syndrome
Thursday July 17: Open 3 -7 p Poetry with JoAnne Growney, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, (visit www.joannegrowney.com/ )
Saturday July 19: Open 12 - 5 p Biofeedback - on individual basis, using Wild Divine software, 2 - 4:30 p (up to 4 people, one person at a time) www.wilddivine.com/
Monday July 21: OFFSITE: SAMHSA's CMHS Consumer-Survivor subcommittee meets at 1 Choke Cherry Rd., Rockville, from 9 am to 4 pm, on Employment and Asset development for people with psychiatric disabilities. Day 1 of 2. Open 3 - 7 p WRAP (Wellness and Recovery Action Plan) Intro Workshop from 5 - 6:30 pm. Please RSVP by Saturday July 19 to Miriam, 301.589.2303 X 108
Tuesday July 22: OFFSITE: SAMHSA's CMHS Consumer-Survivor subcommittee meets at 1 Choke Cherry Rd., Rockville, from 9 am to 3 pm, on Employment and Asset development for people with psychiatric disabilities. Day 2 of 2. Open 3 - 7 p Membership Meeting and Pizza, RSVP, 4:30 p (small donations gratefully accepted, in order to keep this activity going - $1 to $2 per person will go a long way!)
Wednesday July 23: Open 3 - 7 p Clutter group: bring your papers & sort them in a friendly atmosphere, 4 – 6p. This will be a group without a professional organizer, most likely! OFFSITE: AFI's Science in the Cinema, at AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., 7 pm, FREE film with speaker afterwards, "Canvas" - 2006 (visit www.afi.com/silver/new/nowplaying/2008/v5i4/NIH.aspx) Medical theme: Schizophrenia
Thursday July 24: Open 3 - 7 p Resources & Referrals, 4 - 5:30 p If you need referrals to MANNA, help with Food Stamps, benefits (SSI, SSDI, Medical Assistance, housing) this is the time to come visit!
Saturday July 26: Open 12 - 5 p NAMI Connection (peer-led support group), 3 - 4:30 p For more info, visit www.namimc.org/support.asp and scroll down to Consumers (there's also Family and other groups!)
Monday July 28: Open 3 - 7 p Intro to Healthy Eating for People with Diabetes, (but you don't have to have diabetes to come to this workshop!) with Beth Welch, 4 - 5 p, RSVP preferred, 301 589.2303 X 108
Tuesday July 29: Steering committee meeting 1 - 2:30 p - please RSVP beforehand. Open 3 - 7 p NEW, JUST ANNOUNCED: MAPS-MD's Consumer Liaison, Nancy Allen, will present a workshop where you will learn about: How to Get Mental Health care Paid by the Public Mental Health System. Participate in: Providing feedback about the Public Mental Health System. Pizza will be served afterwards. Please come to the meeting and speak up ….. Please RSVP to Miriam 301.589.2303 X 108
Wednesday July 2: Open 3 - 7p CLEAN the deck crew, 4p We will clean the deck of cigs and other trash, and reward ourselves after w/ snacks!
Thursday July 3: Open 3 - 7 p Resources & Referrals, 4 - 5:30 pm If you need referrals to MANNA, help with Food Stamps, benefits (SSI, SSDI, Medical Assistance, housing) this is the time to come visit!
Saturday July 5: Open 11:30 a - 5 p Trip to the ZOO! We leave around 12:15 pm, and the Center is CLOSED until we return (close to 5:30 or 6 pm)
Monday July 7: Open 3 - 7 p Game Day; NAMI Peer-to-Peer, class 9 of 10, 6:30 - 8:45 p
Tuesday July 8: Open 3 - 7 p Walk to Moorenko's icecream (visit www.moorenkosicecream.com/ ); donations of $1 requested
Wednesday July 9: Open 3 - 7 p Garden Club - NEW! 4p We'll take care of our existing plants, and work together to get more plants and see if we can grow any plants in the shaded courtyard. OFFSITE: AFI's Science in the Cinema, at AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., 7 pm, FREE film, "Away from Her" (visit www.afi.com/silver/new/nowplaying/2008/v5i4/NIH.aspx#awayf ) - Medical theme: Alzheimer's Disease
Thursday July 10: Open 3 - 7 p Biofeedback - on individual basis, using Wild Divine software, 2 - 4:30 p (up to 4 people, one person at a time) www.wilddivine.com/
Saturday July 12: Open 12 - 5 p NAMI Connection (peer-led support group), 3 - 4:30 p For more info, visit www.namimc.org/support.asp and scroll down to Consumers (there's also Family and other groups!)
Monday July 14: BASTILLE DAY Open 3 - 7 p Create Your Own Smoothie! 4:30 p. You will be washing and chopping fruit to blend in our blender, and of course you'll be sampling some yummy banana/strawberry/apple and whatever's on sale and yummy smoothies! On Our Own of St. Mary's County members and director Carolyn Cullison scheduled to visit us! NAMI Peer-to-Peer, class 10 of 10, 6:30 - 8:45p
Tuesday July 15: Open 2:30 - 7 p DORS (MD Department of Rehabilitation Services) workshop by DORS Wheaton's Patricia Chichester, MS, and Rani Lepcha, MA, CRC, to discuss employment and rehab options for eligible individuals with disabilities. FREE! 3 - 4:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Q & A session for consumers, friends, family, and providers! Please RSVP by Monday July 14 to Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108. Even if you don't RSVP, you are still welcome to attend, but we prefer getting an approximate headcount!
Wednesday July 16: Open 3 - 7 p Clutter group: bring your papers & sort them in a friendly atmosphere, 4 – 6p. This will be a group without a professional organizer, most likely! OFFSITE: AFI's Science in the Cinema, AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., 7 pm, FREE film with guest speaker afterwards, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" - in French with English subtitles, by director and artist Julian Schnabel (visit www.afi.com/silver/new/nowplaying/2008/v5i4/NIH.aspx ) Medical theme: Locked In Syndrome
Thursday July 17: Open 3 -7 p Poetry with JoAnne Growney, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, (visit www.joannegrowney.com/ )
Saturday July 19: Open 12 - 5 p Biofeedback - on individual basis, using Wild Divine software, 2 - 4:30 p (up to 4 people, one person at a time) www.wilddivine.com/
Monday July 21: OFFSITE: SAMHSA's CMHS Consumer-Survivor subcommittee meets at 1 Choke Cherry Rd., Rockville, from 9 am to 4 pm, on Employment and Asset development for people with psychiatric disabilities. Day 1 of 2. Open 3 - 7 p WRAP (Wellness and Recovery Action Plan) Intro Workshop from 5 - 6:30 pm. Please RSVP by Saturday July 19 to Miriam, 301.589.2303 X 108
Tuesday July 22: OFFSITE: SAMHSA's CMHS Consumer-Survivor subcommittee meets at 1 Choke Cherry Rd., Rockville, from 9 am to 3 pm, on Employment and Asset development for people with psychiatric disabilities. Day 2 of 2. Open 3 - 7 p Membership Meeting and Pizza, RSVP, 4:30 p (small donations gratefully accepted, in order to keep this activity going - $1 to $2 per person will go a long way!)
Wednesday July 23: Open 3 - 7 p Clutter group: bring your papers & sort them in a friendly atmosphere, 4 – 6p. This will be a group without a professional organizer, most likely! OFFSITE: AFI's Science in the Cinema, at AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., 7 pm, FREE film with speaker afterwards, "Canvas" - 2006 (visit www.afi.com/silver/new/nowplaying/2008/v5i4/NIH.aspx) Medical theme: Schizophrenia
Thursday July 24: Open 3 - 7 p Resources & Referrals, 4 - 5:30 p If you need referrals to MANNA, help with Food Stamps, benefits (SSI, SSDI, Medical Assistance, housing) this is the time to come visit!
Saturday July 26: Open 12 - 5 p NAMI Connection (peer-led support group), 3 - 4:30 p For more info, visit www.namimc.org/support.asp and scroll down to Consumers (there's also Family and other groups!)
Monday July 28: Open 3 - 7 p Intro to Healthy Eating for People with Diabetes, (but you don't have to have diabetes to come to this workshop!) with Beth Welch, 4 - 5 p, RSVP preferred, 301 589.2303 X 108
Tuesday July 29: Steering committee meeting 1 - 2:30 p - please RSVP beforehand. Open 3 - 7 p NEW, JUST ANNOUNCED: MAPS-MD's Consumer Liaison, Nancy Allen, will present a workshop where you will learn about: How to Get Mental Health care Paid by the Public Mental Health System. Participate in: Providing feedback about the Public Mental Health System. Pizza will be served afterwards. Please come to the meeting and speak up ….. Please RSVP to Miriam 301.589.2303 X 108
Wednesday July 30: Open 3 - 7 p Sweetie Pie & Sugar Bear visit - pet therapy these are ADOPTABLE CATS from the PG County SPCA ; July Birthdays, 4 - 4:30 p, Walking Group afterwards (http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=10432400) OFFSITE: AFI's Science in the Cinema, at AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., 7 pm, FREE film with speaker afterwards, "The Quiet Duel" - 1949, Akira Kurosawa (visit www.afi.com/silver/new/nowplaying/2008/v5i4/NIH.aspx) Medical theme: History of Medicine, Syphilis
Thursday July 31: Open 3 - 7 p OFFSITE from the drop-in center: Poetry with JoAnne Growney at the Heliport Gallery! Meet here and leave at 3:50 pm for poetry from 4 - 6 pm at the Heliport, 8001 Kennett St., Silver Spring, 2nd floor. Thanks to Neil Joffe for this opportunity! Visit www.silverspringdowntown.com/spring.php?pid=461
For some images from our group art exhibit, Silver Spring Kaleidoscope's reception Sat. May 31, visit www.miguelphotography.com/Kaleidoscope/ photos by Miguel Gallenos from Copy Connection, also does work for The Silver Spring Voice (www.takoma.com/ and www.silverspringvoice.com/ )
Thursday July 31: Open 3 - 7 p OFFSITE from the drop-in center: Poetry with JoAnne Growney at the Heliport Gallery! Meet here and leave at 3:50 pm for poetry from 4 - 6 pm at the Heliport, 8001 Kennett St., Silver Spring, 2nd floor. Thanks to Neil Joffe for this opportunity! Visit www.silverspringdowntown.com/spring.php?pid=461
For some images from our group art exhibit, Silver Spring Kaleidoscope's reception Sat. May 31, visit www.miguelphotography.com/Kaleidoscope/ photos by Miguel Gallenos from Copy Connection, also does work for The Silver Spring Voice (www.takoma.com/ and www.silverspringvoice.com/ )
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