Monday November 3: Open 3 - 8 p WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) class 2 of 8, 6 - 8 p For more info on WRAP, visit http://www.mentalhealthrecovery.com/ If you missed out on this 8 week class, please contact Miriam to register for a subsequent class next year!
Tuesday November 4: Open 3 - 6 p We ARE CLOSING EARLY so you can go VOTE! (visit http://www.vote411.org/ ) Resources & Referrals, 3:30 - 5 p

Offsite: NAMI Montgomery County's Annual Heroes' Dinner. Visit www.namimc.org
Saturday November 8: Open 12 - 5 p NAMI Connection Support Group, 3 - 4:30 p.
Sunday November 9: OFFSITE - (and Saturday too!) Green Festival DC, a joint project of Global Exchange and Coop America. Visit www.greenfestivals.org/washington-dc-2008/ Held at DC Convention Center. Learn about all sorts of renewable energy, conservation, green technology, food, clothing, Fair Trade goods, great fun!
Monday November 10: Open 3 - 8 p WRAP class (3 of 8), 6 - 8 p
Tuesday November 11: Director off to Nonprofit Village Expo, offsite Open 3 - 7 p Game Day
Wednesday November 12: Director out at Turf Valley fundraising evening training, offsite Open 3 - 7 p Movie Day: Beauty Shop
Thursday November 13: Open 3 -7 p FREE HAIRCUT CLINIC with Karreem Ali, 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Enjoy a dry-haircut with fairly newly licensed barber Karreem. Appointments on a first-come, first-served basis. Held in back room past kitchen. Please be willing to fill out a free membership application if you would like a haircut and are not yet a member.
Saturday November 15: Open 12 - 5 p Wii Games (Wii Sports, Rayvin' Rabbits, etc.) and Wii Fit, all day availability
Monday November 17: Open 3 - 7 p WRAP class (4 of 8), 6 - 8 pTuesday November 18: Open 3 - 7 p Compeer Presentation at 4 p by Linda Akunwafor of Threshold Services' Compeer Montgomery County program. Learn about volunteer opportunities for being a peer/companion to a person with mental illness. This is available to consumers, friends, family, and providers! Especially a good opportunity for volunteerism for a person who has lived experience of mental illness - helping others can be a very healing activity! Volunteer as little as four (4) hours a month. Also, information available about receiving Compeer services. Pizza served afterwards. For info about Compeer at TSI, visit www.thresholdservices.org/svc/compeer.php
Wednesday November 19: Director out at Business Management training at Overhills Mansion, offsite. Open 3 - 7 p Game Day.
Thursday November 20: Director out at EID training Open 3 - 7 p FREE HAIRCUT CLINIC with Karreem Ali, 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Enjoy a dry-haircut with fairly newly licensed barber Karreem. Appointments on a first-come, first-served basis. Held in back room past kitchen. Please be willing to fill out a free membership application if you would like a haircut and are not yet a member.
OFFSITE: On Our Own of Montgomery County holds their Open House, 2 - 6:30 p, at 434 East Diamond Ave., Gaithersburg. For RSVP, call 240 683 5555. Visit www.ooo-mc.org
Friday November 21: OFFSITE: NAMI Peer-to-Peer Reunion Dinner at Tastee Diner, 8601 Cameron St., Silver Spring; 7 pm. RSVP Sarah Karney 301 949 5852 X 105 and email skarney AT namimc DOT org This reunion is for graduates of Peer-to-Peer as well as current participants in NAMI's Peer-to-Peer recovery education course. For more info on Peer-to-Peer, visit www.namimc.org/p2p_about.asp Please bring at least $3 and you can join NAMI at the dinner, if you're not a NAMI member already~! (dinner: pay your own fare - please don't forget to tip your friendly waitrons!)
Saturday November 22: OFFSITE, early morning, meet at the Smithsonian: Fannie Mae's Help the Homeless Walkathon. Visit www.helpthehomelessdc.org/site/PageServer Open 12 - 5 p Director off NAMI Connection support group IS CANCELLED; instead, movies, games, and other activities depending on members' choice available.
Monday November 24: Open 3 - 8 p Resources & Referrals; WRAP Class (5 of 8) 6 - 8 p.
Tuesday November 25: Open 3 - 7 p November Birthdays, 4 p; Mindfulness class (tapes and CDs, w/ Miriam) from 4:45 - 5:45 p or so.
Last day to RSVP for the THANKSGIVING turkey DINNER, please! The first fifteen (15) people to leave their full name, contact information, who are either SSDIC members or willing to become members that day can be guaranteed a meal. Others welcome to attend as well, but no guarantee of meal, only snacks and beverages. If you are vegetarian, please let us know so we can have some veggie options for you. Please RSVP regardless to Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108 or Mychele at X 111.
Wednesday November 26: Open 3 - 7 p NEW: OCD Support Group with Sherry, 5 - 6 p.
Thursday November 27: Open 2 - 6 p THANKSGIVING turkey DINNER - RSVP by Tuesday Nov. 25 please! The first fifteen to leave their full name, contact information, and are either SSDIC members or willing to become members that day can be served. Others welcome to attend as well, but no guarantee of meal, only snacks and beverages. Please RSVP regardless to Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108 or Mychele at X 111. Dinner expected to be ready around 3 p. If you are vegetarian, let us know ASAP so we can have some options for you.
Saturday November 29: CLOSED for the HOLIDAYS.
Wednesday Dec. 10, 12 noon: RSVP for Fall/Winter Healthy Eating Workshop/Discussion Group, a class, cooking, dining, and facilitated discussion experience to be held here on SUNDAY DEC. 14, 1 - 5 p, with Ed Kaitz. We need a minimum of 6 people (max 15). Please contact Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108.
We need a motto: It's all Good!
- A. B. -
Miri, you can grow chard in your sleep, under your bed!
My chard is dying or rather, not growing well. I bought 3 plants, all are in containers, and two out of three sprout small leaves and then the leaves die off and new small ones sprout. The 3rd red chard (the other two are green) grows up to 5 or 6" leaves but then some die. i know nothing about chard growing and have not bothered to research it. i just like to eat it. it was cheap to buy at the Coop. tell me what to do w/ it! perhaps it's root bound?
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