WHEN? Friday, December 5, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
RSVP by Friday November 28, 2008 to 301.589.2303 X 108
This performance is being sponsored through a generous grant from the Québecois Government.
The 26th annual Christmas Revels tunes up to celebrate in French-Canadian style with Québécois singing, dancing, music and tales. Join the acclaimed Revels Company (over 75 performers, ages 8-70) on this journey through the deep winter woods to the settlement of Trois Rivières, where villagers gather to greet the New Year and the legends of the Voyageurs and their Flying Canoe come to life! Three internationally renowned performers from Québec -- step dancer Pierre Chartrand, fiddler Éric Favreau, and accordion master Stéphane Landry -- are the featured guest artists and tradition-bearers for this joyous, colorful show, sure to have you tapping your toes and singing along in true Revels fashion!
Lisner Auditorium, G.W. University, 21st and H Streets, NW, Washington, DC (3 blocks from Foggy Bottom, orange and blue line) Visit http://www.lisner.org/
7:30 p.m. (arrive 7:00 – 7:15 p.m.) The performance will run to 10:00-10:15p.m.
We will go as a group, from the SSDIC (meet at 7961 Eastern Ave., first floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910 at 5:15 pm, leave by 5:30-5:45 pm)- you must RSVP with your preference on how you will get there, if you cannot leave with us.
This is a FREE performance for invited community groups, principally those whose members could not otherwise afford to attend. The performance is not open to the general public and individual tickets are not issued. SSDIC or Washington Revels may be able to help cover the cost of your transportation. Please also bring your Metro Access or Disabled Metro Rider card with you if you have one, if you are taking public transportation.
Accessibility Services: ASL; wheelchair seats (limited number); large-print and Braille programs.
Transportation to Lisner:
Meet at SSDIC, 7961 Eastern Ave., first floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910 at 5:15 pm, leave by 5:30-5:45 pm) we will take the Metro. Please RSVP with how you will get there if you prefer to drive or get there separately. Metro’s Foggy Bottom station (Blue / Orange line) is only 3 blocks away from Lisner. Transportation assistance may be available for large groups.
Seating: Reservations are required, by Friday November 28.
Call Miriam Yarmolinsky at 301.589.2303 X 108 AND email her (please call along w/ your email, in case of email glitches) at myarmolinsky AT santegroup DOT org with Revels on the subject line. Include any special needs (wheelchair/ASL interpreter).
Meet at SSDIC, 7961 Eastern Ave., first floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910 at 5:15 pm, leave by 5:30-5:45 pm) we will take the Metro. Please RSVP with how you will get there if you prefer to drive or get there separately. Metro’s Foggy Bottom station (Blue / Orange line) is only 3 blocks away from Lisner. Transportation assistance may be available for large groups.
Seating: Reservations are required, by Friday November 28.
Call Miriam Yarmolinsky at 301.589.2303 X 108 AND email her (please call along w/ your email, in case of email glitches) at myarmolinsky AT santegroup DOT org with Revels on the subject line. Include any special needs (wheelchair/ASL interpreter).
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