NOTICE #1: HOC HOC's Public Housing Waiting List & Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List Are now open until midnight, Saturday December 20, 2008
The Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) Public Housing Waiting List and The Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List are now open until December 20, 2008. All pre-applications postmarked or received on-line between December 8, 2008 and December 20, 2008 will be processed as having been received by HOC at the same time. For more info, visit http://www.hocmc.org/Waitinglist2008/default.asp
The Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) Public Housing Waiting List and The Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List are now open until December 20, 2008. All pre-applications postmarked or received on-line between December 8, 2008 and December 20, 2008 will be processed as having been received by HOC at the same time. For more info, visit http://www.hocmc.org/Waitinglist2008/default.asp
If you apply on paper app, the paper application will count for both programs. If you apply on line, you must apply for each program separately (a simple application). IF YOU ARE A MEMBER of SILVER SPRING DROP-IN CENTER, YOU MAY LIST US AS A BACKUP ORGANIZATION.
NOTICE #2: RSVP for Fall/Winter Healthy Eating Workshop/Discussion Group, a class, cooking, dining, and facilitated discussion experience to be held here on SUNDAY DEC. 14, 1 - 5 p, with Ed Kaitz. (We have a max of 15 and currently, 1 or 2 open spaces). Please contact Miriam if you want to participate! Also, let us know what your food allergies or preferences are, if any. You must RSVP by Wed Dec. 10 at 12 noon to 301.589.2303 X 108. Since this posting has been updated on Th. Dec. 11, we only have one more space available.
Monday Dec 1: Open 3 - 8 p WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) class 6 of 8, 6 - 8 p For more info on WRAP, visit http://www.mentalhealthrecovery.com/ If you missed out on this 8 week class, please contact Miriam to register for a subsequent class next year!
Tuesday Dec 2: Open 3 - 7 p RSVP for Friday Dec 5 outing, HUI Brd. Meeting, Director leaves early
Wednesday Dec 3: Offsite: Wellness & Recovery Subcommittee Mtg. at GUIDE, CENTER CLOSED
Thursday Dec 4: Open 3 - 7 p Activities: members' choice. Director off at Stephen Pocklington & WRAP presentation by OOO of MD
Friday Dec 5: Outing: Meet here at 5p, leave by 5;30 to 5:45 to hear Washington Revels' Christmas Revels at Lisner Auditorium, 7:30-10p RSVP
Saturday Dec 6: Open 12 - 5 p Visit to Alternative Gift Fair in Takoma Park, http://www.aggw.org/
Monday Dec 8: Open 3 - 8 p HOC Section 8 assistance, 3-8p; WRAP class (7 of 8), 6 - 8 p
Tuesday Dec 9: CENTER CLOSED Fundraising Training seminar by OOO MD all day offsite On Our Own of Maryland.
Wednesday Dec 10: CENTER CLOSED, RSVP, by 12pm with your name and contact numbers and email (maybe 1 space left!) for Sunday's Healthy & Economic Eating class w/contact info & food allergies - at 301.589.2303 X 108
Thursday Dec 11: Open 3 -7 p Poetry w/ Joanne, 4:30-6:30p
Saturday December 13: Open 12 - 5 p NAMI Connection support group, 3-4:30p
Sunday December 14: Special: Healthy Economic Eating by Ed Kaitz, RSVP by Wed Dec. 10 by 12 noon - open ONLY for those 15 who signed up-12:30-6p
Monday December 15: Open 3 - 8p WRAP Class 8 of 8, 6-8 Graduation and Celebration
Tuesday December 16: Open 3-7p Membership meeting & pizza 4:30p, RSVP
Wednesday December 17 : Open 3-7p Director Off. NEW: OCD Support Group with Sherry, 5 - 6:30 p (rescheduled from old calendar, which had it down for Wed 12/31)
NOTICE #2: RSVP for Fall/Winter Healthy Eating Workshop/Discussion Group, a class, cooking, dining, and facilitated discussion experience to be held here on SUNDAY DEC. 14, 1 - 5 p, with Ed Kaitz. (We have a max of 15 and currently, 1 or 2 open spaces). Please contact Miriam if you want to participate! Also, let us know what your food allergies or preferences are, if any. You must RSVP by Wed Dec. 10 at 12 noon to 301.589.2303 X 108. Since this posting has been updated on Th. Dec. 11, we only have one more space available.
Monday Dec 1: Open 3 - 8 p WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) class 6 of 8, 6 - 8 p For more info on WRAP, visit http://www.mentalhealthrecovery.com/ If you missed out on this 8 week class, please contact Miriam to register for a subsequent class next year!
Tuesday Dec 2: Open 3 - 7 p RSVP for Friday Dec 5 outing, HUI Brd. Meeting, Director leaves early
Wednesday Dec 3: Offsite: Wellness & Recovery Subcommittee Mtg. at GUIDE, CENTER CLOSED
Thursday Dec 4: Open 3 - 7 p Activities: members' choice. Director off at Stephen Pocklington & WRAP presentation by OOO of MD
Friday Dec 5: Outing: Meet here at 5p, leave by 5;30 to 5:45 to hear Washington Revels' Christmas Revels at Lisner Auditorium, 7:30-10p RSVP
Saturday Dec 6: Open 12 - 5 p Visit to Alternative Gift Fair in Takoma Park, http://www.aggw.org/
Monday Dec 8: Open 3 - 8 p HOC Section 8 assistance, 3-8p; WRAP class (7 of 8), 6 - 8 p
Tuesday Dec 9: CENTER CLOSED Fundraising Training seminar by OOO MD all day offsite On Our Own of Maryland.
Wednesday Dec 10: CENTER CLOSED, RSVP, by 12pm with your name and contact numbers and email (maybe 1 space left!) for Sunday's Healthy & Economic Eating class w/contact info & food allergies - at 301.589.2303 X 108
Thursday Dec 11: Open 3 -7 p Poetry w/ Joanne, 4:30-6:30p
Saturday December 13: Open 12 - 5 p NAMI Connection support group, 3-4:30p
Sunday December 14: Special: Healthy Economic Eating by Ed Kaitz, RSVP by Wed Dec. 10 by 12 noon - open ONLY for those 15 who signed up-12:30-6p
Monday December 15: Open 3 - 8p WRAP Class 8 of 8, 6-8 Graduation and Celebration
Tuesday December 16: Open 3-7p Membership meeting & pizza 4:30p, RSVP
Wednesday December 17 : Open 3-7p Director Off. NEW: OCD Support Group with Sherry, 5 - 6:30 p (rescheduled from old calendar, which had it down for Wed 12/31)
Thursday December 18: Open 3-7p Offsite: TWG meeting in AA cty, 10 a Free Haircuts with Karreem, 3:30-6:30 p, 1st come, 1st served
Saturday December 20: Open 12-5 p, Wild Divine biofeedback, software and assistance available
Monday December 22: Open 3 - 7 p Resources & Referrals, 4-5:30; Wii Games & Wii Fit
Tuesday December 23: CENTER CLOSED
Wednesday December 24: CENTER CLOSED
Thursday December 25: CENTER CLOSED
Saturday December 27: CENTER CLOSED: NO NAMI Connection today!
Monday Dec. 29: Open 3-7p, Director Off Movie Day: Vote for your movie in advance so we can rent it if we don't have it
Tuesday Dec. 30: Open 3-7p, December Birthdays 4p; Mindfulness (w/CDs and Tapes, by Miriam) from 4:45-5:45p or so
Wednesday Dec. 31: Open 3-7p, Game Day: board & card games (rescheduled from NEW: OCD support group, 5-6p, with Sherry, which is now on Wed Dec. 17, from 5 - 6:30 pm)
Thursday Jan. 1: CLOSED due to holiday
Stay tuned: We will host an Action Annapolis presentation by On Our Own of Maryland and MD Disability Law Center (MDLC), with Elaine Carroll and Kay Bhagat, respectively, in January 2009. The presentation will run approximately an hour. We will update you as to the date!
Action Annapolis Day, in Annapolis, is Wednesday January 21, from 9 am to around 2 pm. Offers a breakfast, legislative debriefing, and more info about the Patients' Rights Bill. For more info and RSVP, call Elaine Carroll at 1 - 800 704 0262 X 21 or email elaine AT onourownmd DOT org
NOTE: If there are activities, classes, or speakers that you would like us to feature, please contact Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108. We can help arrange new programming due to member requests. We especially encourage members to lead new groups themselves or find speakers!
Saturday December 20: Open 12-5 p, Wild Divine biofeedback, software and assistance available
Monday December 22: Open 3 - 7 p Resources & Referrals, 4-5:30; Wii Games & Wii Fit
Tuesday December 23: CENTER CLOSED
Wednesday December 24: CENTER CLOSED
Thursday December 25: CENTER CLOSED
Saturday December 27: CENTER CLOSED: NO NAMI Connection today!
Monday Dec. 29: Open 3-7p, Director Off Movie Day: Vote for your movie in advance so we can rent it if we don't have it
Tuesday Dec. 30: Open 3-7p, December Birthdays 4p; Mindfulness (w/CDs and Tapes, by Miriam) from 4:45-5:45p or so
Wednesday Dec. 31: Open 3-7p, Game Day: board & card games (rescheduled from NEW: OCD support group, 5-6p, with Sherry, which is now on Wed Dec. 17, from 5 - 6:30 pm)
Thursday Jan. 1: CLOSED due to holiday
Stay tuned: We will host an Action Annapolis presentation by On Our Own of Maryland and MD Disability Law Center (MDLC), with Elaine Carroll and Kay Bhagat, respectively, in January 2009. The presentation will run approximately an hour. We will update you as to the date!
Action Annapolis Day, in Annapolis, is Wednesday January 21, from 9 am to around 2 pm. Offers a breakfast, legislative debriefing, and more info about the Patients' Rights Bill. For more info and RSVP, call Elaine Carroll at 1 - 800 704 0262 X 21 or email elaine AT onourownmd DOT org
NOTE: If there are activities, classes, or speakers that you would like us to feature, please contact Miriam at 301.589.2303 X 108. We can help arrange new programming due to member requests. We especially encourage members to lead new groups themselves or find speakers!
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